Providing a wide array of immigration services for foreign nationals, families, and businesses.
Seeking asylum is a human right protected under United States law. Every year, people seeking asylum in the United States come in search of safety from persecution, torture, and sometimes death due to their race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group. Whether you apply for affirmative asylum or defensive asylum, our skilled attorneys can help navigate you through the complex and lengthy asylum process.
Not only can a criminal conviction get you deported, but it can also permanently bar your eligibility for citizenship and even prevent you from ever re-entering the country. Our attorneys understand how criminal law and immigration law relate to each other and we spare no effort in defending your innocence while also fighting to protect you from the serious immigration consequences of a criminal conviction.
DACA, or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, is for undocumented immigrants who arrived in the country before turning 16. DACA does not enable an individual to gain permanent residency, but it can offer the ability to seek a Social Security number, work authorization, and temporary protection against deportation. Our skilled attorneys are dedicated to helping Dreamers obtain and maintain DACA.
If you need an employment-based visa, or if you are a business trying to sponsor foreign national workers, we can help determine which visa category is best suited for your needs. Our skilled attorneys analyze your cases thoroughly and help your employees obtain the documents and education evaluations vital to the success of their cases. We also assist employers with the complicated procedures of labor certification and meeting certain requirements of sponsorship, such as obtaining prevailing wages and documenting the ability to pay them.
The family-based immigrant visa is one of the most common ways people acquire Green Cards and become permanent residents in the United States. If you have a family member who is a citizen or permanent resident in the United States, you may be eligible to be sponsored to get a U.S. Green Card. Our skilled attorneys can help your family members become lawful permanent residents and eventually citizens of the United States.
If you are a foreign national or business seeking to operate or invest in a business in the United States, you must first obtain authorization from the government through the visa process to lawfully live and work here. Mostyn Prettyman’s attorneys can help you determine which visa option may apply best to your situation and your desired activities in the United States.
Deciding to become a citizen of the United States is a very important milestone. There are only certain immigrants who are eligible for citizenship: those who either have been Green Card holders (permanent residents) for 3–5 years or those who meet various military service requirements. Mostyn Prettyman will help you understand the naturalization process and offer you the proper guidance and advocacy you need for applying for citizenship.
One of the lesser-known immigration options for immigrant youth is Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS), which is a pathway to a Green Card for immigrant children who have been abused, abandoned, or neglected by one or both of their parents. For many young immigrants, SIJS is truly a lifeline that leads young people out of the shadows and into the colleges or careers of their dreams. In representing immigrant youths across Arkansas, our attorneys attend to every detail, ensuring that applications are completed and processed both accurately and timely.
If you are a victim of criminal activity who has suffered mental and physical abuse, you may be eligible for a U-visa. We understand the complex emotions and trauma that come with being a survivor of criminal activity and violence. Our attorneys will review your situation to see if you are eligible for a U-visa and help you through the process of obtaining a U-visa.
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