Criminal Defense
Providing services in criminal cases involving DWI’s, drug offenses, misdemeanors, felonies, and expungements.

A DWI or DUI charge is a serious offense that can result in heavy fines, insurance charges, loss of license, loss of job, or even jail. We will ensure that you receive the best representation to minimize the negative impact on you or to fight conviction when you have been wrongfully charged.

Whether a one-time possession charge, a multiple time offense for trafficking, or innocent, we have attorneys who can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case. We will review the circumstances around your arrest to determine if the police illegally searched, and we will fight to make sure that your rights are protected in court.

A felony charge can have a huge impact on you, your job, your family and your bank account. You need a skilled attorney to defend you from wrongful charges or to work with the courts to minimize the negative impact of the charges. We will effectively fight for you if innocent, or we will work to lower existing charges and fight to reduce fines and minimize or eliminate jail time, whenever possible.

Misdemeanor offenses can carry up to a $2500 fine and one year in jail, depending on the class, so it is important to have an experienced attorney who can defend you in court. We are experienced at defending misdemeanor cases, reducing the class of the charges to minimize fines or jail time, or having the case dismissed whenever possible.

Sex crime charges can seriously impact you for the rest of your life. The government is aggressive in prosecuting these crimes, so it is critical that you have the best possible defense as soon as you suspect that you are being investigated. We have knowledgeable, experienced attorneys who have success at preventing wrongful convictions that require lifetime registration as a sex offender, as well as success at getting reduced charges and sentences for our clients.

Our attorneys have experience defending clients from wrongful charges for theft, as well as experience in negotiating reduced charges with reduced sentences.

Traffic violations can be inconvenient and expensive, and they can lead to higher insurance premiums and license suspension. It is important that you handle the ticket quickly, and professional advise may sometimes be needed. If you believe that you were wrongfully ticketed or want advise on how to proceed, we can help.

A battery charge, assault with a deadly weapon or another violent crime can have a huge impact on you, your job, your family and your bank account. Domestic violence charges can have the same impact as those crimes not involving family members. You need a skilled attorney to defend you from wrongful charges or to work with the courts to minimize the negative impact of the charges. We will effectively fight for you if innocent, or we will work to lower existing charges and fight to reduce fines and minimize or eliminate jail time, whenever possible.

We can assist in sealing your records, if it is possible under Arkansas law. Sealing a record means that the conduct associated with a crime is deemed as a matter of Arkansas law as to have never occurred and that no record exists. The record is not destroyed; however, it is not available to the public after it is sealed. If you have had charges dismissed against you or been found not guilty, you can have your record sealed. Also, records of Class C or D felonies, some other felonies, and misdemeanors can be expunged, although some require a five-year waiting period after completing all terms of probation.

Regardless of the crime, we have attorneys who can help. We aggressively fight to defend those falsely accused, and we are experienced at getting reduced charges and reduced sentences for our clients.
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